It's Me, Downtown Clown!

You could not pick a better choice than DOWNTOWN CLOWN to entertain the kids. He is truly a professional clown. He is clean and neat. His costumes and makeup are professional. He graduated from Studio Arena Theater School in NY. He is fantastic with kids. He has never lost his patience with a child and stays in character at all times. He has traveled the world entertaining children. Has fifteen year’s experience and is able to adjust his show to accommodate all ages.
That’s what he does. Makes the kids laugh. The best slapstick clown in LA. A mixture of banter. Fall downs, puzzled and frustrated expressions that put the kids into hysterics.
The show starts as he makes his grand entrance in his flashy pok a dot clown car. Spinners spinning, music blasting. He jumps out of the car running about from child to child asking them if they know where his shoes are. The shoes are in the car. They are far to big to wear while driving. Once the shoes are found and placed on his feet. He sets up his props. Again lots of slap stick. The chair falls over, then the stool, his foot might get caught in one or the other. He may fall down. The kids laugh, laught, laugh. Now that everything is all set up he opens up a little suitcase and out comes a big brass horn. “Hey kids want to hear a song !” DTC blows on the horn but no sound. One of the kids might help. Suddenly the horn goes off, right in DTC’s face. He falls back stunned. The kids are laughing their heads off. The horn goes off again. More banter with the kids. He runs about honking the horn at them.
Next he does some fancy juggling. Then come the magic tricks. The birthday child will help with most of the tricks. It’s thier big day and DTC will make their day special. There are many different tricks. To many to name them all. There’s lots of comedy, banter, and interaction with the kids. If not the birthday child there is allways a kid helping with a trick. Disappearing Egg, Magic Rope, Objects Disappear And Reappear, Blooming Flowers, Color Changing Book, The Balloon That Blows Itself Up, Popping Popcorn, Needle Thur Balloon, Never Ending Paper, Flying Confetti And Much, More.
Time for some more fun stuff. How about this, a flying carpet. That’s right the kids are really going to fly. Here’s how it works. It looks like a big carpet, whith handles around it. DTC needs the help of at least five adults to use it. He used to use just teenagers but they were sending thieir little brothers and sisters off into orbit. He gives some quick instructions to the kids and then the adults. The kids lay in the middle, hands crossed. The parents and DTC tighten the carpet up like a trampoline. He counts one two three. And on three the kids go shooting into the air. They love it.
Next comes the parachute. An old time favorite. The kids hold the handles now and send a toy crash dummy flying into the air. They also go under the parachute and get trapped. If there’s room they also spin it like a flying saucer. Running faster and faster in a circle while falling and laughing. These two are a must for every party. The kids love them.
There are many games for a birthday party. It would just depend on the time factor how many games could be played. At most company picnics games are very popular and many of the adults play as well. Some of the games are.
Tug Of War, Sack Races, Three Legged Race, DTC Says, Musical Chairs, Balloon Limbo, Don’t Bust My Bubble And More.
Always a favorite. Kids can have either their face or arms painted. DTC uses Mehron Liquid Makeup. It is perfect for kids. Wipes off with a warm wash cloth. Parents don’t worry. It will not be on there for a month. DTC is not an artist. However he is very talented at painting. There is a picture book with about 250 pictures to choose from. If there are a lot of kids at the party you should get an extra half hour or hour for face painting. If you only have an hour and really want face painting then something else could be shorteded or left out.
A art started by longtime professional clowns in the fifty’s. DTC can twist with the best of them. He is fast, very fast. When on a roll he can make seven balloons per minute. This is usually the last thing he does at the party.
Some of the shapes are: Dog, Cat, Moose, Mouse, Giraffe, Parrot, Bear, Pig, Flower, Sword, Heart, Snake, Swan, Fish, Lion, Horse, Dragon, Hound Dog, Kangaroo, Snail, Football, Space Gun, Butterfly, Hat, Bunny, Airplane, Poodle, Alligator, Dinosaur, Monkey, Car, Caterpiller, Turtle And More.
Make sure you tell your guest when DTC will be there so the kids don’t miss the show. DTC stays very busy, so he usually has to get to another party after yours. So he can’t stay longer and wait for the kids to arrive. Remember if there are no kids at the party then DTC has no one to perform for. If this does happen he will do his best to accommodate you. Sometimes he can do face painting first. Then while he’s paintiing more kids will be arriving.
$100.00 For One Hour
$25.00 For Any Extra Half Hour
DEPOSIT: Half The Price Of The Show
If you need to cancel DTC requires a ten day notice so he can book another show in place of yours. This is a rain or shine deal. Many people have their party indoors or under a tent during the rainy season. So DTC still requires a ten day notice so he can book another show.
Well thats about it. I hope all your questions have been answered and you choose DTC to entertain your kids. If you have anymore questions just give him a call or send an e-amail.
Book the Clown! Call 562-218-9862
Serving the Greater Los Angeles Area. Email me through the form below.